Peace Research:
Global Challenges and Local Responses in Refugee Crises
In challenging times marked by global refugee crises and conflicts, our research focuses on the national policies and societal approaches in Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, and Lithuania. Explore how these countries navigate these complex issues.
In a world where the echoes of past conflicts linger and new challenges emerge daily, the pursuit of peace stands as humanity’s most noble endeavour. The global landscape is intricate, marked by regions of stability contrasted sharply by areas entrenched in ongoing strife. Political disputes, ethnic tensions, economic disparities, and the relentless impacts of climate change weave together a complex narrative of peace dynamics, reflecting both progress and persistent challenges.
Statistics drawn from comprehensive surveys paint a stark reality: over 1.5 billion people across the globe, primarily in conflict-affected regions, are exposed to the ravages of violence and unrest. Among them, a staggering number are youths under the age of 25, facing the daunting task of navigating a world marred by conflict. It is within this complexity that we find the genesis of our shared mission: to empower these young minds, harnessing their energy, innovation, and boundless potential to catalyse a transformation towards enduring peace.
Our guide is more than a mere document; it is a testament to the unwavering belief that youth, when equipped with the right knowledge and tools, can serve as beacons of peace and understanding.
The “Peace at Home, Peace in the World” project, a collaborative endeavour generously co-funded by the ERASMUS+ Program of the European Union, has been crafted with a profound understanding of the challenges faced by young people in conflict-ridden regions.
In the aftermath of international civil wars in Syria, Yemen, and Libya, millions have become refugees, their lives upended, and their communities shattered. The ripple effects of these conflicts extend to neighbouring countries like Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey, as well as European Union nations, posing challenges that affect young individuals both directly and indirectly. Yet, amid adversity, there is hope.
Our project envisions a future where young people are not mere victims but active agents of change – catalysts for peace and healing.
This initiative aims to bridge the gap between conflict and resolution, injustice and healing. Through dialogue, transparency, and a focus on humanitarian aid, we empower young leaders with innovative approaches, sensible working strategies, and inclusive methods. By providing them with knowledge and confidence, we nurture their potential to become peer leaders, driving positive change within their communities. The goal is clear: to help youth “transform themselves from objects and subjects of war into agents of peace.”
In the first part of the guide, you will examine the current situation of refugees in Türkiye, Lebanon, Lithuania and Jordan, and have the opportunity to learn about policies in these countries. In the second part of the guide, you will have the opportunity to examine the analysis of the responses obtained as a result of the survey conducted on 521 people from the host community and the refugee community, and thus will give chance to experience the importance of peace more closely.
As we embark on this transformative journey together, we invite youths and youth workers to delve into the depths of conflict resolution, fostering a deep understanding of how to achieve, implement, and sustain peace in their local communities. This guide is not just a roadmap; it is a promise – a promise that with knowledge, determination, and collaboration, we can pave the way for a world where peace prevails, where the energies of the youth converge to create a future defined by unity, empathy, and enduring peace. Welcome to a journey of empowerment, enlightenment, and lasting change